Sunday, March 24, 2013

Zoom Zoom ZUMBA

A little over two weeks ago My husband and I made the decision to start making a healthy effort with our lives! We started this journey a little over a year ago but due to moving and many other things we fell off the wagon. Initially I had lost 25 pounds last year and unfortunately put five back on after our move. SO far diet and exercise has been greatly rewarding. We each have specific goals for our bodies and have both committed to completing those goals in two years. We each are taking similar as well as completely different approaches to attacking these goals. We started implementing meals 5-6 times a day and commit to working out 4-6 times a week. With our meals we are focusing on low calorie, extremely low carb and high protein. We eat a lot of peanuts, eggs, greek yogurt, chicken, lean porks, Edamame (my husband eats these but a nutritionalist suggested women not eat them), tuna (my husband eats two cans a day (gag me)), bacon (YES! We eat bacon daily and it awesome and full of protein), and Spinach. We log our daily foods in an App called LoseIt. The app tracks your food, calories, and daily nutrition. We love using that because it tells you how many carbs, protein, and fat you have consumed in one day. When it comes to working out my husband has been running two miles on the treadmill on his workout days and I have fallen in love with Zumba! Zumba has been such a fun and rewarding experience! The ladies in my classes have been really friendly and the classes are full of variety and each instructor is completely different at their approach to the dances. Some of the teachers are very traditional while other specialize in more hip hop and pop related dances. This last Saturday after class some of the more seasoned Zumba ladies complimented me on my moves and that made me feel pretty good about myself. The first week I was just trying to keep up with the class. My very first class was a huge challenge to just push myself and stick with it. I kept telling myself I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me and kept pursuing the moves harder and harder. If I am being completely honest I also had many expletives in my thoughts due to the strenuousness of the class. I left class very tired, out of breath and feeling like I might die but so proud of myself! I will try to blog our progress weekly and give some tips to weight loss that have been working for us. I will also share healthy recipes we discover and will also fill you in on our past weight loss failures and try to post photos of the progress monthly! My husband may pop on here from time to time to give his own perspectives to weight loss.

We are keeping our personal goals private but look forward to sharing our overall losses once they happen! :)

Weight loss to date

Drew: 9 pounds

Jon: 11 pounds

Thank you and stay Sexy America!

Be true to you.

With Love to you from,
