Saturday, May 4, 2013


Sexy people, 

I have not given up or forgotten about you! The past two weeks I have had a lot of insane things come up in my personal life including a serious family emergency that have temporarily knocked me "off the wagon" I can't go into details but I had to come to aid to some of my family which caused me to not be at my house for the last week and therefore away from my diet and gym. (not the best of excuses but just the truth.) I am hoping to be able to return home this next week and jump back into my healthy lifestyle full throttle again. I am sorry if I have let anyone down for not blogging regularly the last two weeks. Life has been crazy. Not to mention my birthday just passed as well and I have been out of town more in the last two weeks then in. Needless to say I may not be weighing in for a couple weeks for obvious reasons ;)

I will give a quick healthy food finding this week. Perdue chicken just released a new line of frozen chicken called simply smart. They have anything from nuggets to patties and they are extremely low cal and carb and very high protein (the way it should be). I bought the nuggets and they taste great. Super recommend for kids, picky eaters like me, or just people on the go. No preservatives of fillers! So go eat and enjoy.

Thank you for understanding and sticking with me on  this journey. Things happen. Life happened. This is only a bump on my journey. I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP!

Thank you for reading and Stay sexy America,

Be true to you,

With love to you,
