Thursday, June 23, 2016

Just Keep Swimming

Hey America,

I am back today with a very important message to all of those in the thick of a longterm weight-loss goal. So if you know me personally you may have seen me recently post that I have hit a wall with my weight-loss. If you do NOT know me personally let me fill you in. I recently have hit a plateau with my weight-loss. For 2 whole weeks I have been sitting impatiently at the exact same weight. I am used to once a month having my weight fluctuate because of "womanly" reasons, but TWO weeks? Seriously? It is already hard enough to make drastic lifestyle changes when you are seeing success but it is excruciating when you are seeing ZERO progress. Don't worry, I haven't quit my program and have still stayed on the path towards healthy living its just really hard. Today I met with my nutritionist and told her all about my woes of no progress. She first told me that I was stressing about nothing because I have lost 13 pounds since seeing her four weeks ago. She also told me that it is normal to hit a plateau and that my weight-loss was going to slow down eventually. Apparently sometimes just being a woman can be enough to cause a plateau. When you are in the process of losing a lot of weight your hormones sometimes struggle to adjust. So essentially your body can freak out and have extra PMS like symptoms causing a weight-loss halt because it can't deal with your rockstar pound shreddage. She also told me that plateau's don't last forever and to just keep doing what I am doing. A plateau can last up to a month, but eventually things will change. She also told me that my weight-loss has been better than most people who come to see her regularly so my ego was significantly boosted.

So I wish I could now tell you that magically I have dropped 20 pounds in the last few hours since seeing my nutritionist but I cannot. What I can tell you is that this sucks but it is not a reason to stop. For the last two weeks of my progressless journey I have been reflecting a lot on the true goal of this journey. This journey isn't really about weight-loss as much as it is about becoming the best and most healthy version of myself. Don't get it twisted, I would love nothing more than to be bikini ready by next summer but that's not what this is all about. This journey is about being living longer and hopefully having a long future with my girls. This journey is about having the energy to be apart of my own life and being able to enjoy every second of it. This journey is about being able to do things like one day ride roller coasters again and fit into tiny go carts. This journey is about feeling good about the choices I made today to better my body. So instead of quitting and feeling sorry for myself I did the only thing I could think to do. I took the advice from Dory (Yea, the one from finding Nemo) I just kept swimming.

Swimming has been my exercise of choice this time around in my weight-loss journey. Swimming has proven to be a very productive and calming workout for me. While swimming I seem to find the time to reflect and dream about my weight-loss completion and the excitement I have towards my future. Swimming is also a incredible way to burn calories. It can serve as a  great exercise to work your way back into an active lifestyle if you have been out of commission for a while. So when I am standing on the scale and seeing no progress at all I "Just keep swimming." When I see everyone on Facebook posting videos of all the satanic food they plan to make and devour that will never fit into my current diet plan I "Just keep swimming." When my body is completely exhausted and all I want to do is live in a quiet hole filled with wall to wall makeup I "Just keep swimming." When my adorable children clock out and the beautiful button pushers clock in and wear every inch of me thin I "Just keep swimming." When those really cute clothes that are collecting dust in my closet STILL don't fit yet I "Just keep swimming."

Everyone hits a wall once in a while. Most people end up quitting during this time because they have worked so hard and still feel like they have failed. I am that same person. I have quit more diets than I could ever count because when things got hard I gave up. A weight-loss plateau can be one of the most challenging yet character building times while on the path to healthy living. If you are currently in a plateau or just coming out of one, you are not alone. You will not stay there forever and use it as a time to reflect on the true goal of your weight-loss journey. Life is full of valleys and mountaintop experiences and a plateau is the valley of weight-loss. You are not a failure. I repeat YOU are NOT a failure. You may be in this very dark moment but light eventually will shine through. You can do this, even when the odds are completely against you. Stop worrying about when the next great pound shred is coming and think about what you can learn from this. Learn more about yourself and maybe switch up your diet a little bit while changing up your exercise a little too. This moment won't last forever even though it may feel that way. So take a step back and a deep breath and while you wait...

Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me during my weight-loss journey especially during the last two weeks. The love and support of my friends and family have kept me going.

In the meantime,

Stay sexy America.

Be true to you.

With love,


Current Weight-loss
69 incredibly meaningful pounds

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