Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pregnant is the NEW sexy

Welcome back Sexy people,

So much exciting things to share with you. This is going to be a catch up blog on whats been going on in the "journey" lately. So lets just dive right in two days before my 27th birthday I found out that I was pregnant. It came a little bit as a surprise as I was convinced that I was most likely not because I was on a journey to healthy living. Pregnancy would just come along and complicate all of that so anyways I am/was and I couldn't be happier. Being pregnant is a bit of a game changer but it is not a journey ender. So here is a little timeline. When I first found out I stayed pretty true to my health plan and everything was going pretty great then the food aversions and cravings kicked in and all bets were off. Not to mention I had a family emergency arise and had to live in a different kitchen and zip code for a week to help out. So needless to say pregnancy was winning the battle against healthy living at first. When I got back home there was some adjusting to do and changes to be made. I told my husband that he had to be strong for both of us right now and keep me accountable to our lifestyle even if that meant arguing with a pregnant woman.

So now what? Almost everything I was eating now disgusted every fiber of my being so how can I stay healthy and pregnant at the same time? The answer is compromise. I quickly realized that I couldn't do or have it all. When I first got pregnant I put on five pounds and immediately decided that this was not how this pregnancy was going to go so I had to make changes and fast. So below I will explain the changes I made in my diet and exercising routine to help balance out the belly.

When trying to do a high protein diet you end up eating a lot of meat, dairy, nuts and the list goes on. Well a few key components to my diet were Eggs for breakfast and beef jerky for snack every day and lets just say even typing those two words is making me want to gag myself. So clearly eating exactly the same was not going to happen. So I have to admit I started to add the C word back into my diet, Carbs. For breakfast I changed out E@@$ for a waffle and kept the bacon to keep the protein train rolling a little bit. Throughout the day was the same thing added in some wheat thins here and there and eat for lunch what my stomach would allow. Dinner we still try to keep mostly protein and that has worked out fine. So my diet has become well intermingled with carbs and protein and is pretty well balanced between the two.  Some other things that had to change though was what I was drinking. With my diet I drink a lot of sparkling water which has artificial sweetener so after the counsel of my doctors office I had to take that to only two servings a day of artificial sweeteners. Which sounds like not a big deal but I was living off of this flavored water. Also I was drinking lots of oolong tea which is loaded with caffeine and when I am pregnant I try to stay mostly caffeine free. Also my doctor informed me that pregnant woman should only consume 1 serving of caffeine a day at the most. My first baby I was a no caffeine rockstar but when your wingwoman is a two year old forget it. So I haven't been drinking a lot of tea as of late. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of low to no caffeine tea options I just preferred oolong because of the health properties and the help it gave to my healthy living. So those are my changes in a nut shell.

Many of you know that my exercise of choice is the dance floor AKA Zumba fitness. Also many of you know that Zumba is no joke for a non pregnant woman so I knew I would be fighting an uphill battle. Right after I found out I was pregnant I went to Zumba that night and then again on my birthday two days later. I was trying to decide and figure out if I should keep going and honestly wasn't sure if I could do it and be pregnant. Well when I went to class on my birthday my instructor got up on the platform and said she had an announcement to make. She was wearing a track jacket and she unzipped it to reveal a tank top that read "Pregnant is the NEW skinny" and also revealed a little baby bump. She told the class that she was pregnant and that she would continue to teach until her baby shakes loose. A feeling a relief just came over my body and I realized that if I wanted to I could do this! So I stayed in Zumba but had to change up my style. I spoke with my doctor on safe exercising practices while pregnant. My doctor informed me that it is all about the heart-rate. When pregnant and working out you need to keep your heart-rate to 140 or less. That would be a challenge. Because lets all be honest when you are plus sized sometimes your heart-rate can reach 140 just by walking up a flight of stairs. So This is how I manage it. I don't wear a monitor I just know my body. I did some treadmill tracking to see what exerted my heart and what didn't. So when I go to class I take it easy and just keep MOVING. I drink water in between every 1-2 songs and slow down when I feel my heart taking a climb. With Zumba I have also added in swimming into my routine because I know that taking Zumba five times a week will slaughter my extremely fatigued body. Also my pregnant instructor only teaches three times a week and after attempting other instructors while pregnant I realized there is NO way I could keep up with these other instructors in my current state. Also my pregnant instructor has changed up the flow to her routines so that there a little cool downs throughout the routines. So I have to say as a believer that God was looking out for me on this one.

Wild Card.
So my pregnancy has been kind of a wild card already. I have back problems so pregnancy only increases the issues I have. My sciatic nerve seems to mess up often as of late and that does make it difficult to stick with my program but nonetheless you just have to get back to it and get back in the pool. Also I have gotten sick a lot with just weather changes and that has made it extremely difficult to stay on track BUT I've powered through it. If I had to miss a week due to a virus circulating then I just got back to it the next week. If my back was causing me grief I would swim that week to relieve that pain. So why did I stop blogging? Well I first wanted to make sure that I was going to be able to stick with the program. Also with all my first trimester curve balls I wasn't able to stick with everything the way I had wanted. The other big reason is because after meeting with my doctor they don't want me to lose anymore weight after my first trimester BUT also do not want me to gain more than ten pounds my entire pregnancy SO... Its been all about maintaining. Which hasn't been easy. I actually have been very minimally taking weight off and my doctors are more concerned about that then me gaining it. I honestly have not been trying to take off weight either just trying to maintain and stay somewhat healthy while doing it. So I am happy to announce that I quickly took off the five pounds I originally gained when I first found out I was pregnant. I am sorry I have not been here sharing my journey with you we just wanted to be at a safe place in the pregnancy before sharing and obviously I couldn't share why my journey was changing and why I wasn't losing weight as rapidly as before. So hopefully you will stay with me on this journey as it changes for the next 6 months. I will keep you informed on my husbands weight loss and instead of weight loss I will just post my current cravings to keep it fun. Thank you for believing in me and I am so happy to be sharing this journey with you! We are so excited about our new bun in the oven and am embracing the challenges it brings. So if you are pregnant and live healthy share your tips with me so I can pass them along!

Cravings and weight loss

Jon's Current weight loss 30 pounds!!!

Drew's craving Anything Hugh Jackman and carbonated beverages.

Thank you for reading and stay SEXY America,

Be true to you,

With love to you,


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