Friday, April 4, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the wall.. Who is the sexiest girl by the wall?

Hey America,

Remember me? That crazy girl who was all about health and fitness and bringing America's Sexy back?

Remember how I sort of lost my way a little bit when I got pregnant with a mega adorable baby?

If not let me Re-Introduce myself. I'm Drew and about a year ago I started the journey to a healthier me. Let me be clear when I say healthier I am not saying Skinnier. While I would not mind it if I lost some weight I also would not mind not losing any either. I know that probably sounds insane but its true. I LOVE my body. Even though I am nowhere near being offered a job as a victoria's secret model or a spot in the swimsuit edition of sports illustrated I still love my body. I love me. Do you LOVE you? Do You? So what if your muffin has a top and if your love comes with extra handles? You are still equally gorgeous and as beautiful as any other computer generated image of beauty.

If you have read my blog in the past you would know that my exercise of choice is ZUMBA! It is so much fun and not for the feint hearted. When I began this journey a little over a year ago I was so excited yet so nervous at the same time. I literally pulled out tennis shoes that I want to say I purchased in high school and was wearing my regular clothes that could "pass" as fitness wear. After looking back at my ratchet attire i discovered two things. 1. That I didn't care if I had to wear a potato sack and moccasins I was going to get my fitness on. 2. That I didn't really believe in myself enough to buy real workout clothes. So after I had my gorgeous baby I decided that when I headed back to the gym this time that I was going to do it right! I completely revitalized myself and my wardrobe. Here are some of the things I did to reclaim the sexy in my workout.

1. I went shopping during some awesome sales and I affordably was able to get myself 3 new pairs of kicks, 5 new workout tops, and four pairs of awesome pants. Now when I workout I don't need to constantly look over my shoulder at the other adorable outfits and can look right into the mirror and feel fabulous.

2. I changed my hair. I know this doesn't seem like its important but to me it was. When you take fitness classes they have mirrors. At first I thought this was some kind of cruel punishment so you could not only feel like your dying but could also watch it happen. My hair was in a serious need of a makeover. It wasn't like carrot top ratchet but nonetheless it was ROUGH.  So I decided to figure out what I wanted as a "Signature look" and went for it! Now I absolutely adore my hair and love watching it swing from side to side while my hips do the same.

3.  I started wearing makeup to the gym. I KNOW… Believe me I know. I used to hate the girls who came to class with a fully calculated outfit and MAKE UP on.. Super annoying right? Well prepare a glass of haterade because I am now officially one of "Those" girls. Why? Remember those evil mirrors? Well let me tell you.. Those mirrors aren't so evil when you are wearing the perfect eyeliner and have on some lipgloss that won't quit! Now I LOVE that mirror and I stand in the very front row.

This past Tuesday when I was leaving class one of my Zumba friends stopped me and said "Hey, you look so beautiful tonight with your makeup and your hair! You can't do that!" My response was "Thank you and I have to. This makes me feel good about coming here and doing this." We hugged and I went home.

Why aren't we supposed to do be sexy while working on our sexy? Why? Why not look gorgeous while getting fit? Yes it can be extra drama sometimes bc if you sweat to death (like I do) your amazing eyeliner will begin to crawl down the sides of your face but its still worth it. Its worth being able to LOVE what you see in that mirror and to face it with a smile and pride.

SO this week on the return of this very silly blog that for some reason people read anyways I charge you America to bust out your inner sexy and bring that baby to the gym.  I have missed you America and now I am back.  Ready to restart this journey with you, again.

Thank you for reading and stay SEXY America,

Be true to you,

With love to you,


 My new hair and mega adorable baby. (no make up on, Irony)

New workout clothes with semi ratchet hair and no makeup on…..yet. ;) 

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